- Several parameterized-profile distribution theories have been added to the list of fit models built in for 57Fe, 119Sn and 125Te.
The following newly added theories are now available under the option of the interaction popup.
(Note that VBF and xVBF models require at least the Select version of MossWinn.)
See section 27.5 of the latest manual for details.
- Gaussian QS and IS distribution (VBF, PM, Powder) - doublet spectrum model of a paramagnetic powder with a Gaussian distribution in the quadrupole splitting, and with an associated Gaussian distribution in the isomer shift values, the latter being coupled to the quadrupole splitting values according to a linear relationship. It is based on Voigt-based fitting (VBF) as described in NIM B 58 (1991) 85.
- Gaussian MF, QS and IS distribution (VBF, M, Powder) - sextet spectrum model of a magnetic powder with a Gaussian distribution in the hyperfine magnetic field, and with an associated Gaussian distribution in the isomer shift and quadrupole splitting values, the latter ones being coupled to the hyperfine magnetic field values according to linear relationships. It is based on Voigt-based fitting (VBF) as described in NIM B 58 (1991) 85.
- Gaussian QS and IS distribution (xVBF, PM, Powder) - doublet spectrum model of a paramagnetic powder with a Gaussian distribution in the quadrupole splitting and isomer shift values, with an arbitrary degree of correlation between the two distributions. It is based on extended Voigt-based fitting (xVBF) as described in NIM B 129 (1997) 266.
- Gaussian MF, QS and IS distribution (xVBF, M, Powder) - sextet spectrum model of a magnetic powder with a Gaussian distribution in the isomer shift, hyperfine magnetic field and quadrupole splitting values, with an adjustable degree of pairwise correlations between the different distributions. It is based on extended Voigt-based fitting (xVBF) as described in NIM B 129 (1997) 266.
- Binomial distribution (1 shell, M, Powder) - sextet-based spectrum model of a binomial atomic distribution in a magnetic powder sample in which the isomer shift, hyperfine magnetic field and quadrupole splitting parameters are perturbed in an additive manner by substituent atoms distributed randomly in the first shell of atomic neighbors around the Mossbauer nuclides. Each substituent atom in the shell is assumed to alter the isomer shift, hyperfine magnetic field and quadrupole splitting parameters with the same amount. The model is also suitable to fit doublet- or singlet-based binomial atomic distribution models.
- Binomial distribution (2 shells, M, Powder) - sextet-based spectrum model of a binomial atomic distribution in a magnetic powder sample in which the isomer shift, hyperfine magnetic field and quadrupole splitting parameters are perturbed in an additive manner by substituent atoms distributed randomly in the first and second shells of atomic neighbors around the Mossbauer nuclides. Substituent atoms in the same shell are assumed to alter the isomer shift, hyperfine magnetic field and quadrupole splitting parameters with the same amount, but this amount can be different for atoms in different shells. The model is also suitable to fit doublet- or singlet-based binomial atomic distribution models.
- Data files associated with distribution curves derived in the FIT menu are now automatically marked with the keyword. When entering the FIT menu in order to fit/decompose such distribution curves, the initial fit model set up by MossWinn is now a pseudo-Voigt peak with zeroed Lorentzian FWHM width (i.e. a Gaussian peak), accompanied by a constant baseline whose value is fixed to zero.
- In the FIT menu the subspectrum headline menu has been extended with the menu option that will duplicate the corresponding subspectrum by adding its clone to the fit model.
- In the FIT menu subspectra can now be renamed to a fixed name that is preserved even if the underlying theory is changed.
- The MossWinn Internet Database (MIDB) can accept now high-resolution downsampled spectra with up to 1024 as the target data number.
- MossWinn's help system has been extended with video tutorials showing real-time performance of MossWinn while solving various problems with the program.
The present collection of tutorials is available via the web site http://www.mosswinn.com/english/videotutorials.htm.
- The following submenu option was added to the Help menu:
- Video tutorials on the web... - Select this option to open the web page showing video tutorials concerning MossWinn.